
Welcome! Thank you for visiting the Video Voice Speech Training System blog. Our goal here is to provide a forum for sharing ideas about using this exciting speech development tool, learning about new enhancements to the program, and stimulating interaction between people who are already using Video Voice or who are considering it for their speech therapy needs.  Please join us and share your experiences, ask questions, or make suggestions for new features or capabilities. We're here to listen as well as talk!

To learn more about this innovative speech therapy aid or download a Free Trial, visit www.videovoice.com.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Like Us on Facebook!

You may have noticed that it's been a while since a new blog post appeared here.  A big part of the reason is that we've started a Facebook page and have been actively posting there. 

The Facebook format lends itself well to short blurbs with accompanying pictures, so we've been using it to show some of Video Voice's many capabilities and offer hints for using the games and displays effectively.

So come join us over there and see what we're talking about!  If you don't already use Facebook, it's quick and easy to sign up (also free)!  Once you've signed up, you can get to the page by typing "Video Voice Speech Training System" into the Search box (but you probably won't have to type more than "Video Voice" before a link pops up). 

If you want to take a look right now, this will take you right there:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Video-Voice-Speech-Training-System/331641326140

Once there, you can easily review all the posts we've already made.  Just scroll down and start reading from the bottom up

What we've been doing there is sowing seeds of new blog ideas, so keep checking back here, too!

Yours in good speech,

Video Voice Support Team

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