The game that has the most options for customization is Voice-A-Sketch. In that game, meeting the defined speech goal results in a picture appearing, either in pieces or in "window shade" fashion. (The goals can be continuous phonation, volume above or below a defined target level, production of a target sound or work, and more.) There are 78 high-quality built-in pictures to choose from, but you can also use images you have stored on your computer.
A few years ago, a therapist who works with autistic children said she felt they would respond more favorably if familiar images appeared - family members, pets or other objects of particular interest to them. We responded by adding a new Graphics Source control that lets you use either the Built-In or My Own Pictures. If you choose the latter, Video Voice looks in the My Documents/My Pictures area of your computer, and lets you choose from any images you have stored there.
When importing pictures into Voice-A-Sketch, you don’t have to worry about the shape and size. Video Voice will size the pictures to best fit within the available space and adapt the picture frame accordingly. The best images will be landscape in orientation, because that’s how the screen’s "easel space" is laid out, but any size or shape will work.
The possibilities are endless! Have fun personalizing Voice-A-Sketch to make it even more uniquely motivating for individual cases. If it’s an option for you, you even can involve them in the search for pictures they’d like to see, and use that as a therapy activity, too.
Yours in good speech,
Video Voice Support Team